Alice Hale Joins Terraphase as Senior Project Engineer

We are happy to announce that Alice Hale has joined Terraphase as Senior Project Engineer. Alice brings over 7 years of experience in environmental compliance and permitting, including on-site environmental compliance staffing, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation, environmental audits, remediation work plan development and oversight, soil sampling, air monitoring, and hazardous waste management oversight.
Alice has supported industrial and commercial clients with onsite environmental compliance staffing and assistance in support of Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) programs. She has provided services in waste characterization, storm water management in accordance with the Industrial General Permit, wastewater management in accordance with publicly owned treatment works (POTW) permits, oil management in accordance with Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) regulations, hazardous materials management and business plan submission via the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS), and employee training. She has prepared spill reporting documentation to local and state regulatory agencies, and attended meetings with regulatory staff on behalf of the client. She has assisted clients in responding to Notice of Violations (NOVs) for spills and inspection findings and administrative enforcement orders from regulatory agencies. She has prepared Return to Compliance documentation which resulted in client receipt of No Further Action (NFA).
Alice’s CEQA documentation experience includes document management, resource area impact section preparation, response to comments, and Lead Agency interaction on Initial Studies, Mitigated Negative Declarations, and Draft and Final Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs).
Alice can be reached at email or 510.390.1276.
More information about Alice can be found on our People page.