Expertly Crafted and Defensible CEQA/NEPA Compliance Pathways
Terraphase engineers and scientists assist our clients, both public agencies and private project applicants, in navigating and completing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) processes to evaluate, mitigate, and disclose potential environmental impacts associated with proposed projects. Our CEQA and NEPA experience includes municipal support, utility infrastructure, industrial, educational, environmental remediation, and land use projects.Terraphase provides comprehensive development and administrative management of environmental impact documentation in support of lead and federal agency requirements under CEQA and NEPA. Terraphase professional staff work with lead and federal agencies to determine the appropriate and defensible document to meet compliance obligations. We provide document management and impact analysis services to complete all levels of CEQA and NEPA documentation. We provide the technical expertise to prepare effective and complete environmental documentation and focused technical studies to evaluate and identify appropriate mitigation measures, if necessary, for potential project impacts. In addition to preparing CEQA/NEPA technical documents, we can also prepare supporting materials, such as public notices/fact sheets, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs, and Statements of Overriding Considerations.
Our CEQA/NEPA services include:
- CEQA/NEPA compliance pathway memoranda
- project descriptions
- fact sheets/public notices
- resource impact assessments
- technical studies
- categorical/statutory exemptions/exclusions
- administrative process management
- NEPA document management (EAs/Findings of No Significant Impacts/ EISs/Records of Decision)
- mitigation monitoring and reporting programs
- public notices (Notice of Exemption, Notices of Availability, Notice of Intent, Notice of Preparation, Notice of Completion, Notice of Determination)
- response to comments public meetings/ hearings/presentations
- coordination with lead/responsible agencies
- third-party review of CEQA/NEPA administrative processes and documents