Terraphase Wins APWA 2017 Project of the Year
Plumas Unified School District with their consultants, Terraphase and NCE, win the American Public Works Association (APWA) 2017 Project of the Year for the collaboration on the C. Roy Carmichael School Hydrogen Sulfide Remediation.
The C. Roy Carmichael elementary school located in Portola, California was impacted by excessive hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in indoor air in their rec building. The source of the H2S was believed to be organic-rich groundwater which had been impacted by organics naturally-present in groundwater and leaking sanitary sewer lines. The proposed remedy involved installing a series of French drains to lower the groundwater table and installation of a vapor barrier above the existing floor of the rec building. Terraphase performed groundwater modeling to assess the impact of the French drains on the local aquifer system and provided recommendations for the locations of the French drains. In addition, Terraphase prepared specifications for the vapor barrier, RetroCoatTM, and performed construction quality assurance of the installation of the vapor barrier.