
Tyler Houghton Joins Terraphase Oakland as Senior Project Geologist

October 2019   |   Staff

Tyler Houghton Joins Terraphase Oakland as Senior Project Geologist

Since 2011, Tyler has put his diverse environmental field experience to work on American and international soils assisting the construction, mining, oil, and other industries in assessing, characterizing, and remediating sites, largely for redevelopment purposes. Projects have included former dry-cleaning sites, landfills, UST sites, and other properties with both soil and groundwater contamination, and include projects in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has managed and assisted with soil and groundwater remediation, field investigations, waste characterization and management, and hydrogeologic investigations in unconsolidated sediments, karst, fractured rock, regional paleochannel, and alpine till.

Managing field programs is Tyler’s forte. He has developed and implemented diverse field programs for soil, groundwater, and vapor assessment and remediation programs, and is experienced with numerous drilling technologies. Tyler routinely develops sampling work plans; assists with permitting, including coordination with City and County regulatory agencies; completes site mitigation plans and  monitoring reports; provides cost estimates in support of his projects; and also provides construction oversight during remedial activities.


  • Master of Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
  • Bachelor of Science, Geology and Environmental Science, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona


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